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How Can We Sing a Song in a Strange Land? The Hermeneutics of Song, Poetry and Lament in the 21st Century

The Kirby Laing Centre hosted a special event on the psalms of lament. In light of the ongoing tragedy in Ukraine, this event could not be more timely as we consider how, as Christians, we respond faithfully to crisis and tragedy. Organised by the Scripture and Hermeneutics Seminar, this event focused on hearing and interpreting the psalms of lament for today. The sessions included reflections by Old Testament scholars and musicians in the form of papers and special music.

1. The Functional Atheism of Lamentless Spirituality | Jamie Grant

2. Lament as the Heart of the Psalter | Federico Villanueva

3. Lament and Contemporary Hip Hop | William "Duce" Branch

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