Kierkegaard & Spirituality: A Dialogue with C. Stephen Evans

Kierkegaard & Spirituality: A Dialogue with C. Stephen Evans

C. Stephen Evans is a world authority on Søren Kierkegaard and in this series of lectures we engage with his most recent work, Kierkegaard and Spirituality: Accountability as the Meaning of Human Existence, as well as explore Kierkegaard’s contribution to Christian Spirituality more broadly. 

1. Finding the Real Kierkegaard Behind the Myths and Misconceptions | C. Stephen Evans.

2. The Accountable Imagination: Spiritual Formation as Co-Creation with Christ | Adrian Coates

3. Spiritual Pandemics and Kierkegaardian Christian Practice | J. Aaron Simmons

4. The Knight of Faith: Just What Does He or She Look Like? | Craig G. Bartholomew