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Too Small A World

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Dennae Pierre is the Executive Director of Surge Network in Phoenix, Arizona as well as one of the Co-Directors for  The Crete Collective and City to City North America. You can find her book at www.restorativeleaders.com

Our world is too small


Economic crisis, violence, mass death

our minds struggle to show concern

when the stories come from outside

the walls of our own nation


We are sojourners in this place

No allegiance can be pledged

Jesus’ kingdom is our only home


We analyze, debate

Make plans and ideate

Unaware of the ways our action

Impact the lands of our neighbors

What responsibility do we have

to the poor and suffering of the world?


That question is not simply directed to the nation

But it is a question to God’s people

That reside and have been given power in this land


Our brothers and sisters flee

From violence

With sore feet

And displaced families

They migrate

Leaving behind war,

Loved ones,

Aromas, foods

Language, and lands

We too are aliens, foreigners

We should not be fluent

In the language of our present nation

Our first language should be that of heaven

Which recognizes the sounds of the world’s hell

Translating a welcome

To migrating and suffering souls


It is not strangers who arrive at our city gates

And border walls

But often it is

Fellow citizens of heaven

Or it is those, who have not yet heard

The good news of God

And come asking for our help


Our world is too small

If what we are most concerned about

Lives within the boundaries

Of this small nation

Gentle Whisper, Anthony Vasquez

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